Watch some videos on how to make cardboard chairs for inspiration.
Design a cardboard chair for the First Woman President. Read some books listed above before starting.
1. For inspiration, print out patents created by women for chair designs.
2. Make design drawings.
3. Construct your prototype chair out of cardboard in a small scale for dolls.
4. Construct a full scale prototype.
5. Test it by sitting on it.
6. Photograph yourself as the First Female President.
Make Design Drawings
Make cardboard prototypes for dolls.
Make Full Scale Models
1. Make a grid of cardboard pieces attached using slits. Then roll cardboard pieces to slide within the grid.
2. Slide a cardboard box over the grid to be the outside.
3. Fold down one flap of the cardboard box. This creates the underlying structure and base.
4. Add on details specific to your child's design.